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Claire Delavallée's answer on phonetic awkwardnesses is a very satisfying one. In lexical terms, however, I would contribute to this topic by adding that "Darth Vader" is far too German for the French. "Darth" doesn't mean anything at all to most French ears whereas "dark" is understood by an increasing majority to the extent of being used by young people in sentences such as "c'est (trop) dar
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Darth Vader or Dark Vador? France gives Star Wars... -… The name Dark Vador, he says, might sound better to the French-speaker than an accented attempt at Darth Vader, but the original meaning gets lost in translation, he says. And the accents of the heroes and the Imperials in the original version – American and British respectively – are also lost in dubbed... Sac_A_Dos - Учётная запись Minecraft | NameMC “Sac_A_Dos” — ваша учётная запись? Если это так, то вы можете связать её со своим аккаунтом NameMC!Получение головы (≥1.13). Копировать. /give @s minecraft:player_head{SkullOwner:" Sac_A_Dos"}.